
French Bed and Breakfast

Two story country retreat has 6 bedrooms (1 has fireplace), 5 1/2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, breakfast nook, living room with fireplace, library and 2 car garage. Located on 100 Riverwatch Way, Champs Les Sims, France. The back patio overlooks the town while seating out front views the Eiffel Tower. Furnished price 275,081; unfurnished price 130,950. Built for Build-n-Share Week #25. By simtweek.
created by simtweek
Two story country retreat has 6 bedrooms (1 has fireplace), 5 1/2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, breakfast nook, living room with fireplace, library and 2 car garage. Located on 100 Riverwatch Way, Champs Les Sims, France. The back patio overlooks the town while seating out front views the Eiffel Tower. Furnished price 275,081; unfurnished price 130,950. Built for Build-n-Share Week #25. By simtweek.
  • 11/23/09
  • 1243
  • 55
  • EN
  • Residential
  • 0
  • 40 x 40

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Created By

simtweek Visit My Studio Member SinceMay 16, 2009 Total Creations 108 Total Recommendations 2,297 Location US
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